We Need to Clear America Wood!

So far we have had a very exciting Design and Technology week. The children have been working in groups to design a structure for dragging or lifting the fallen trees from America Wood.

Today they have used boxes, wood, string, springs, pulleys, elastic bands and other materials to make and join their structures.

They have all been tested and everyone was delighted to see their structure moving mini logs.

The children worked well discussing and sharing ideas along with evaluating and changing their designs as they went along.  We definitely have some budding engineers in year 4!

By year4gandl

Destruction of America Wood!!

Yesterday the children wrote persuasive letters to the Isle of Wight County Press voicing their concerns about the destruction of America Wood.  They had been told that a Wind Turbine Farm was going to take its place.  Half of the class wrote in favour of the wind turbines and half wrote letters against.

Today the children held a class debate about the impact the wind turbines and cutting down the wood.

Some arguments for not having wind turbines:

‘People live near America Wood and will not be able to sleep’.

‘Children would have nowhere to play and build dens’.

‘America Wood is an ancient copse with lots of different habitats’.

Some arguments for having wind turbines:

‘We need to produce more electricity so the trees must go because America Wood is on a hill’.

‘The turbines will create more jobs’.

‘People are using much more electricity.

It was quite a heated debate!



By year4gandl

A Great Music Session

Today the children have shown their talents by composing a piece of music related to America Wood. They chose their instruments and how each instrument linked to a part of the wood.  I have to say they produce some brilliant pieces of music and worked really well together in their groups.


By year4gandl

Country Dance

The Country Dance Festival in approaching fast.  These pictures show the children getting ready and practising all the moves.

By year4gandl

America Wood

Yesterday the children had a great time at America Wood.  They enjoyed sketching, hunting for mini beasts and identifying plants and trees.  They enjoyed climbing trees and working in teams to build dens.  We were even lucky enough to see two Alpaca which were having a walk in the wood!




By year4gandl